Sloping off
Busy day. Early start and off to Hexham for some shopping and to pick up my Aunty June who was visiting to see us off and be in place for the big street party tomorrow (my parents and their neighbours at the farm - possibly the smallest strret party in England).
Lunchtime brought a trip to feed the lambs (Katherine pointed out in typically unsentimental style "soon they'll be feeding us") which of course brought back vivid memories of when I used to feed the lambs many years ago.
Somehow we squeezed everything and my morning's shopping in the car, and even found a space for the kids. Then off down the twisty roads by Alston to the M6. With two kids full of Easter chocolate and prone to a touch of car sickness in the car that turned out to be a poor choice of route. Regardless, we have made it safely to London and the next stage of farewelling.
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