
By Fisherking

...Hey, hey, Paula.......

Wedding, what wedding?

Managed to avoid the whole thing, got up early, had a leisurely breakfast, woke the Boss at 8.30 for her marathon TV session and then............went fishing. Rang home a t 1.30 to see if it was safe to return, but it wasn't, so stayed until 3.30. Had a pretty good day too, caught about a dozen decent bream.

We had an invtation to a Royal wedding party, so I took Lady Lala's advice and waited until it was all over then phoned to see if the party was still was, so we got ready and persuaded the Daughter to drop us off.

This is Paula, the hostess, she and Graham do a cracking New Year party but we've kind of lost touch and not been for the last couple of years. Paula was one of the Coaches when I was Chairman of the local junior hockey club, in fact she was one of three Paula's I had coaching for me. Most of the coaches were at the party and the Boss and I were greeted like the Prodigal Son when we arrived. I think the last time we were all together was my 50th party 3 years ago, before that I used to host the Chairman's Christmas Party, P & G did New Year and we had a get together in the summer. As our own children grew up and moved to adult hockey slowly the personnel changed, as the coaches needed to give more time to their own families, especially travelling up and down the country for county and regional training and matches, but we always kept in touch.After I retired things began to slip. Of course all the kids kept in touch and several of them play together still, one of them is a current Great Britain player so look out for Andy Bull at the 2012 Olympics!

Today was like the clock had turned back 3 years, we just took up were we left off..........of course they all knew of the impending grandchild so I took some stick, but we laughed and chatted and drank and ate and drank and laughed and drank some more. We left with a promise that we'd be having the next get together at our place, because they all want to meet the new addition.

So thank you, Paula, Paula, Mandy, Julia, Sharon, Keith, Gary, Graham, Pat, Mark, Diane and Frank, we had a great afternoon.

As for the Royal couple, I wish them all the best, I'm just glad I didn't have to sit through 7 hours of it!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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