Cherry Tree Tunnel

Work today sadly. The phones were jiggeed so the office was extremely quiet :) Glad that is Monday out of the way.

Its still bright and sunny here, if a bit windy so I set off for my walk with the Poppy dog. Naughty damn collie little dog, made off at the first chance to say hello to some children. She was chastised and put on the lead. I let her off at the first field, stopped to look aroung and the little madam was hot footing it down the second field and turning up the track. Grr! When I got her back she was put on her lead and kept that way for the rest of the walk. So not the easy bimble I had anticipated. I blame her father - he is too soft with her. She WILL learn the error or her mischievious ways :)

So with dog close to hand and the strong wind ruling out much in the way of flowers and blossom, you have the tunnel. I like the way the evening sun glimmers through the gaps in the trees and the way the light changes all along it.

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