Learning day by day

By EmmaF

New Shoes

Busy old day today. William still not tip top and we had a rubbish night and the Carys woke too early and too bad tempered. Hurray for nursery. I vetoed Music Train with William as all he seems to want to do around that time at the moment is nurse so we went back home after drop off.

Dentist at 10.45, running late again (them not us) but I managed to contain William and his hunger until he was seen this time. Dentist not sure about the marks on his teeth, could be staining or decay due to his reflux. Only time will tell. But again Will surprised me and was very co-operative, as he was the day he had his hair cut. Then it was swimming lesson at 12.00. (Nanna was picking up C) We were expecting about 5 or 6 in the class but we were the only ones who turned up so a 1-2-1 class. Result. William screamed with frustration when he was made to do things like float and kick his legs, when all he wanted to do was play with the watering can, but he does love being in the water generally.

William fell asleep on the way home and slept for 2hrs. That would have been a result but I was looking after a friends 16month old so no rest for the wicked, but she is very easy to look after and when William woke they played nicely together. William even signed sorry and gave her a car back without me saying anything when she started to cry after he had taken it off her.

The blip is of my new trainers. I told you I was going in search of fitness, childrens health allowing. These are the first new trainers I have had since I was pregnant with William so I am quite excited, they have that unique 'new trainer' smell. Never had Puma before, always been a Nike or Asics kind of girl, but on first try they feel good. Will break them in gently on Saturday and see how I feel about them then.

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