
By andyclicks

Dozey Sweetheart

May I introduce you to 'Minikin' my girlfriend's new pet kitten. Isn't she just adorable.

Today was another fairly quiet day as one of my lessons was cancelled. I was meant to be doing another recording tonight, not sure if I already said or not. But unfortunately that didn't go ahead as my accompanist's car was in the mechanics, and although they said it'd be ready, wasn't. Typical huh, but we've rescheduled for Monday.

So I still stayed at school for a bit cause I didn't know it was cancelled till about 4.30. After that I went to Verity's where Ophelie, Cara and Evie already were, and we basically played with Minikin for hours. Then they left one by one and me and verity were left just relaxing. She even abandoned me to have a shower ;)

Got home about an hour ago, having a lovely cup of Roiboss with some Farleys rusks, and It just started raining. So i'm at the height of comfort. Oh and i'm in pyjamas.

But yeah as I said, this is Minikin. They've had her about a week, and I met her for the first time today and she fell asleep on me, bless her.

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