Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Mother Daughter Day

According to Hallmark Greeting Company tomorrow is Mother's Day here in the USA. Well, we celebrated today and may do some more tomorrow.

I've had the most enjoyable Saturday afternoon with my only daughter. She asked me a couple weeks ago if we could spend time together the day before Mother's Day and I was most agreeable. Her name is Deidre. She grew-up being called Dede. Nowadays I usually call her Deed.

We met at noon to drive to the city of Fullerton in Orange County to do some shopping and to have lunch. We visited a boutique where we each purchased dresses for the bargain price of $19.99. I think she bought several. Then we went to lunch at a quaint little breakfast/lunch eatery. She ordered breakfast and I ordered lunch and we each halved our food with the other. She ordered a quiche and I ordered a chicken salad sandwich (reminded me of the chicken cashew sandwich I used to get years ago at The Good Earth Restaurant). The food was delicious and so was the cup of coffee.

We went to "Buffalo Exchange" after lunch and both of us found some inexpensive items of clothing to purchase. Then we headed for home and watched a horrendous accident happen on the freeway about a football field in front of us--a big heavy-duty pick-up trunk ran off the side of the freeway, slid and then skidded back onto the freeway across several lanes almost to the "FasTrak" lanes that we were in. The truck hit several cars, but not us. Along with several other cars in front of us we slowed and then when everything came to a standstill we headed on toward home.

When we arrived at her house I parked in the driveway and we just sat and chit-chatted for 20 minutes or so. This photo is from that moment. I nonchalantly pulled my cheapie camera from my Levi pocket and just randomly clicked several shots. She acted like she didn't even notice as she kept on talking. It was a wonderful afternoon with her.

We haven't seen much of our daughter for the past almost two years. Her world has spun in some other direction from ours. I know she was terribly wounded when the situation happened with Tristan almost two years ago (some of you my blip friends followed that moment).

Anyway, we've waited on the sidelines knowing, hoping, believing that her world would again revolve back to where we've been waiting. We know that chasing, pleading, begging, moaning, whining to spend time just pushes kids, even adult kids, further away. I think just recently, the afternoon of Easter Sunday to be exact, our worlds have aligned. We're hoping this season lasts a long time and we are going to enjoy it immensely for however long it lasts.

We may all get together again tomorrow and barbecue. She said she'd been in touch with us tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a good Mother's Day tomorrow.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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