Learning day by day

By EmmaF


I've been trying unsuccessfully to uploadthis all night and was just about to give in and go to bed. Is there something wrong with the site as other webpages seem to be working so can't think it is my computer.

Well I failed to do this weeks challenge of 'Mother' as I forgot today is Sunday. That's what comes of having too many long bank holiday weekends in a row. We did however have a nice and productive day in the afternoon. William fell asleep on the way back from church, work after an hour in a foul mood, snuggled into me and went back to sleep for another hour. We were to pay for this later.

I have finally managed to weed the whole of the back garden and Jim managed to mow the lawn so only the dreaded front to do now. Dreaded because it means the kids are free to run away as there are no fences and I possibly will have to speak to the neighbours! Nothing wrong with that on one side, but I hate making small talk with some of the others in the close. Not sure when I will have time to do the front then.

You nearly had to make do with the hanging baskets I planted today until I took this at bathtime. That look on his face was telling me he had no intention of going to sleep until nearly 8.30 (bedtime is normally 6.00-6.30 for both my kids), but I just didn't realise it until later. Wouldn't care so much if I knew he would now sleep through, but that I am sure is a long time off yet.

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