Today's the day

By sheilwill

Green-veined White

Today's the day .................. for sunshine and showers

The weather has been very dramatic here today. One minute it's perfectly normal. Then the next minute, the sky goes black and it chucks it down with rain - to be followed five minutes later with blue sky and sun.

In one of the dry spells, I found this butterfly - beautifully camouflaged among some stitchworts. I'm not all that good at butterfly identification so I had to go and look it up. I think it's a Green-veined White, one of the Pieridae family. This family also contains the Large and Small White which the book says are the only European butterflies that have the status of pests.

You'll be pleased to know, however, that the Green-veined White is an altogether classier butterfly. Its larval food is wild cruciferous plants and it does not attack cabbages ..............

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