Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Bouquet

Just the other side of the room from the photos displayed yesterday is the formal dining room and that's where I placed my Mother's Day bouquet.

The bouquet, given to me yesterday by our granddaughter, looks huge when I am right next to it and the fragrance is huge and luscious, but in this photo I think the flowers are quite diminished in the vastness of the room. There must be an art term for this, maybe it is perspective.

I wish you could get a whiff of these beauties . . . star gazer lilies are not only beautiful, they are fragrant. I'm enjoying them thoroughly.

It's now time (8:00-10:00) to get to my online office for my Monday schedule, so I'll comment later. Thanks for all the lovely comments yesterday. What a fun, fun day we had . . . 5 dogs, 5 adults, lots of food, and fragrant flowers.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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