Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Quite possibly an Acorn Weevil

Curculio Glandius?...Which seems curious to me, owing to the fact that there isn't an oak tree (that I'm aware of) in the near vicinity. Or acorns.
(Having failed to identify the baby speckled bush cricket previously, because it was so tiny (!). It's gone, by the way. It was around for many days, but now...??)
I got quite excited about Baby Mode, and this being a baby bee fly!!!
Bless me. I'm enthusiastic but not often very bright.

Anyway, there it was, minding its own business trying to hide from the lens.
And I never interfere, so I waited.
And perhaps I should have posted my final image of it, in which it so clearly turns, looks at the lens and declares,
'Ok, I'm tired of this, I'm going to jump NOW!'

You can almost see my reflection in his eyes before I jumped too!

Quite high really. Which was to huge comedy effect. But only to an audience of bugs and insects, who all rolled onto their backs in Cadbury's Smash-style laughter.

Do you suppose Oliver Postgate modelled the Clangers on a one of these?

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