Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

(An Ordinary) Dog Day

Alternative Title :
''It's alright, I heard it, you go back to sleep, I'll go and look in a minute.
It might be food''.

Which reminds me of a friend of mine, whose husband was a sleep-talker...
They were both fast asleep in the early hours. He woke her with a nudge, saying in a very loud whisper, ''I WANT YOU TO BE VERY VERY QUIET! THERE'S A MAN ON THE LANDING...''.
She froze, gulped and whispered back in panic, ''What shall we do...?''

But... he was fast asleep again.
And fairly grumpy when woken by a now buzzing-with-adrenalin wife.
Dreams eh?
I don't believe she did him any (serious) harm!

I usually say 'Happy Friday', but it's been a very sad week on Blip.

P.S. A big thank you everyone who commented yesterday.
I'm spotlighted and highly chuffed.

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