Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Arachnaph OH! bia...

... Oh, a mixed day.

I missed the news of Molly's funeral, so my candle is lit now.
(I believe the Universe doesn't do timing like we do, so I'm ok with that. Good intent and love is never wasted).

I missed the amazing bird shots in the garden owing to no battery life.

I procrastinated until the 11th hour about going shopping for a birthday gift for a loved one. (And I KNOW she doesn't want anything; elderly people have usually accumulated enough 'stuff' and, at this stage are trying to offload it! So it had to be a REALLY useful thing. It is. Good job done.)

And I came back to grey skies and little or no inspiration for a picture.
In the garden there was a little clump of dead stuff on a leaf, about 10p size, and I nudged it (I don't know why) but it then exploded like a little firework and the above all busied out. There were MILLIONS of them! (Lovely!)
I tried, half-heartedly to identify them. But, I was too sensitive a flower today for spider pictures!

Wishing all a gentle weekend.

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