
By misspixter

A rocky day

My aunties funeral today, the service was lovely and there was a massive turnout. It was sad, and my sister and my dad spoke about her in church. She was an avid church goer and all the church community were there to remember her as well as many members of the Royal Womens voluntary Service, of which she was a volunteer for many years and worked very hard for them.
When everyone had left the house we looked at some of her old photos and talked about her, she and her husband looked after my dad when he was little a lot as his parents worked long hours in their shop. They all looked so happy in the pictures and my auntie is striking many poses in the pictures she was so funloving, she was a shopaholic too and loved her clothes (might be where I get it from) and looks very stylish in all the pictures.
While there was still some light we went for a walk on the common at the end of her road, possibly the last time I ever will.

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