It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

This is my smile.....

......Honest, it is! I have been running around with a HUGE smile on my face because OH MY GOODNESS I made spotlight again. I really can't believe it and feel so so so grateful to everyone that viewed, commented and rated my blip yesterday. Thank you sooooooooooo very much.

I feel very humbled at some of my comments. People really enjoy hearing about my day, even though I ramble on a bit! It's very hard for a puppy like me to sum up my day in just a couple of paragraphs. You see life is just SOOOOOOOO exciting. Absolutlely EVERYTHING needs investigating and as I am getting bigger and fitter I just have SOOOO much energy. My grandparents and great grandparents were all field trial champions so I come from a very high energy background. Mum and daddy said they didn't quite realise just how much energy!

So mum has found a club here in Clevedon where we live. We are going to ring them this week and see if it is ok for a puppy of my age to join. There is a class to begin with called fit 'n' fun. We do lots of training and also some agility training. Mum thinks it will be really good for both of us to go just once a week to start with. If we get on with it we may take the courses to continue further and compete. We will see. Mum says that she needs to get fit too, so it will be good for her and perhaps I will be a bit better with my recall and walking then too. (Thats what she thinks ;-) )

I have been a bit of a naughtly girl again today. I ate EVERYTHING on the field this morning. The best thing was a teabag. It was sooooo YUMMY. It took me ages to chew it up and all the tea leaves were stuck in my teeth. There was no way I was letting mum catch me and take it away.....Tee hee.

Once again a HUUUUUGGE thank you to my wonderful blip friends and the also powers that be for making me into a spotlight star and even when I am not a spotlight star, thank you so very much for just taking the time to read my ramble all about my day ;-)

Bye for now
LOADS of licks from
Lily xxx

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