Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Glasgow: dodging the traffic!

I know it's a busy city centre street, but it is one-way; so, standing in the middle of it blipping this amazing building in a gap between bursts of traffic wasn't as dangerous as it might seem ... honestly. It's not the flashiest of Glasgow's highlights and you don't have to look up to see its splendours but I think it's so special.

It's great how fascinated/ alarmed people are at the sight of a camera in use. When I took a back-up blip on my way into the city, of the tar machine and assorted construction vehicles which are creating a lovely big new car park at my rail station of choice, a wee anxious guy came rushing over to check that everything was OK. When I told him about blipfoto he said 'Oh, good! Because I thought you had maybe tripped and were getting a photo for a lawyer'!! How sad is this litigious world?

On the other hand a 77 year old originally from Govan, now in exile in Paisley, interrupted her Greggs coffee and sandwich carry-out from her park bench in George Square to tell me 'that was the old GPO building'. My response that yes, my mum worked there all through the war led to half an hour of great reminiscence, concluded by agreement that the shared delight in talking to complete strangers about this wonderful city and how much they love it was one of the best things about folk who 'belong' to Glasgow!

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