Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Young people today ...!

It is my firm belief that all modern technology should be sold inclusive of an optional free 14-year-old to explain how it works! Here is Nephew2, (having survived a harrowing one- minute visit to the orthodontist, and therefore requiring some fancy coffee at a well known chain to help his recovery) attempting to explain to my husband how his phone works ... he's only had it since Christmas, so naturally can't remember which button to press to answer a call from his mate who can't use texting!

Since his previous 'brick' is being head-hunted by Antiques Roadshow, you can tell he's not much bothered about apps. etc, but the discovery that he could get up-to-date sports reports via mobi certainly perked him up.

Alas, it was time to return N2 to school so the lesson was deferred until a later date.

Great entertainment!

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