Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Once more...

Serendipity or what?

I've been out, since an obscenely early start at work this morning.
And (as they say) travelled many a mile before arriving home.
With the fuel guage on empty (nearly blipped that!). Stress!

I flew into the garden for a desperate camera moment on arrrival home.
Managed a gloaming bee (did one yesterday though. Spotlight too(!) I believe, so many thanks to all for that! I'm so chuffed).
Also managed one or two uninteresting leaves. And the above.
Began upload hoping for quick blip (I need my dinner!!!).
Site crashed. Or maybe I did? Grrr!
But whilst it was sorting out its twisted knickers, I saw, and read the Blip Blog.
So, the choice for the image was made. (Because of Molly).
Nowhere near as magnificent as Tuscany ones.

What a delightful tribute. I shall read it again, properly, shortly.
I hope this makes sense. I blame the malnutrition!

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