Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

And I thought I was busy...

They don't stop do they?

This is (obviously) another bee.

BUT, it's not the same sort of bee as before... (a worker?)
...The blip was this or a household object (probably of the chocolate bar genre, because that's the kind of day I'm having).
Himself is back from a business trip today, so I'm on taxi duty.
(And, before that, Tidy-Up Fairy duty.
I seem to make so much MESS on my own. How does that happen?)

I was working very early again today (at the place where you can't even have been within ten yards of a camera for three days or alarms go off).
Small children are there. I'm getting used to exchanges like this:
Q: 'Whose bag is this?'.
A: 'If it's got Thomas the Tank Engine pants in it, it's Lucinda's'.*

And whispered statements, fraught with significance, from 5yr olds, like this:
''When you're having fun, the time goes very quickly. And when you're having a horrible time it goes very slowly. I wish it was the other way round''.

Hear, hear!

I'm off to find the vacuum cleaner.
I think there's one here somewhere.

*Names changed, mainly because alarms going off can be quite unsettling.

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