It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

A bit of a quick blip..

Tonight I am reeeeeallly late at posting my blip. I hope I get it in on time.

It is a bit of an emergency blip picture. We kind of copied Stanley! although my paws are not as gorgeous and fluffy as him!

Mum has her friend to stay for a couple of nights. We only found out she was coming last night. She has to go on a course in Bristol so has come to stay which has made mum really happy. They have been out late tonight. Apparently it is ALL my fault. You see, when they were chatting, eating tea and drinking wine I snuck through the stairgate and stole R's lovely yummy new shoe. It was GORGEOUS. I had a good old chew on it. In fact I chewed right through it.

I got VERY told off, you see R has only brought one pair of shoes with her to wear to her course tomorrow! So I have ruined them. They had to ring around to another friend to ask her to come and drive them to a "well known 24hour supermarket" to buy a new pair of shoes for her. Because they had drunk a glass of wine or 2 they weren't able to drive! I was not a popular puppy at all. I tried saying sorry by licking them all to death, then they had a really really bad fit of the giggles. So I think that means I am forgiven!

They are back late because they went to the pub for a drink and more chat (I don't know what they find to talk about?) I have been waiting and waiting for them to get back so mum would get the laptop out for me to blip you. I'm sorry that it is a rushed picture. It is all I had time for! I do look lovely though don't I? Like I would never do any bad things ;-)

I CANT WAIT to meet Stanley soon. He likes eating shoes, handbags, cushions and all kinds of yummy things. I think we are going to have a FANTASTIC time!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps Thank you so much for commenting on my mum's journal yesterday, she was a bit worried! We will catch up on all your comments tomorrow when we are less sleepy :-)

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