It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Still trying to have a chew.....

Here I am with mums friend R. See, she still loves me despite chewing up her new shoes yesterday! She has got her lovely new shoes on and when she sat down to give me a cuddle tonight, I tried to have a nibble on them as well. Tee hee!

I was soon told off though, booooo mum, you are sooo boring!

I had a great walk with mum this afternoon, we went to the cricket ground again and I played with another black lab, then mum and I went for a walk around the woods behind the cricket ground and I had a WHALE of a time, totally ignoring mum and running off deep into the undergrowth, so mum couldn't hear or see me. I really don't care where she is, I am always having SO MUCH FUN.

She got really upset at one point because she couldn't find me and couldn't hear me. She was nearly crying. She needn't worry though, I wasn't far away and came bounding up behind her with a stick for her.

She said she is not sure what has got into me this last week, I was doing so well with my recall and not running off anywhere and now all of a sudden I am going mad again. Somebody said to her it is because my time of the year is due very soon so I am hormonal? Daddy just put his head in his hands and says "oh no, 2 hormonal women in the house, help me please"

Mum and I have NO idea what he means. We are JUST FINE ;-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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