Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

If I called this a 'hat trick'...

... Would that imply another bee in my bonnet? (Earworm anyone?)

There were other images, but oh! They didn't have any 'interest' in them.
And this one does at least have some pollen. (I think it's a honey bee).
I'm on an eternal quest to take a better picture. I always think 'tomorrow', that'll be the day of the Magnificent Image.. And then tomorrow comes, and I don't have time to take millions of snaps, or even to sit for very long.
But, importantly, I do enjoy the bits I do do. (All together now - 'do do do do')

What a day. Mixed again. Himself came back from the business trip having had his case broken into at the airport.
Sentimental cufflinks gone.
A little dark cloud has attached itself to him all day.

On a positive note I've found a lovely lady who'll babysit!
Since the dog had his stroke I don't feel I can leave the old chap for long, as he can't see or hear much and relies on me to anticipate his needs.
Which seems to be my one Great Talent in Life... Shame it doesn't pay.

I'm a white stick in human form.

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