Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


For a boy who has no sense of smell (no olfactory nerve), nor likes to eat food, he's a dab hand in the kitchen.

The boys are much healthier and happier today, and Callum's xray came back clear of pneumonia so it's likely to be a virus which he has to sit out, so ditto the rest of us. Problem is I'm 40 years older than him and I'm feeling it. Shame they've all missed the week of school. I'm still very rough, especially in the mornings and nights with coughing. I keep lookingly longingly at Reu's respiratory meds for the nebuliser...

Note to whomever has my legs. Game's up. Please may I have them back now.

PS late night as so keen to finish the lovely wedding images updated here on FB - you may have to like to see.

PS Reu had a good day developmentally at home.. all his poos and most of his pees in the potty and he did his first sum 1+1=2. We were playing with some plastic money. I'm guessing he can now read (spoken) about 100 words and will say "let's read words". If I sign quietly to him now he often replies back just in the spoken word. I keep thinking about where to go with his education in speech and sign.

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