Club 107

By club107

The pillar of the office

The resolutions are being checked off with the sort of gay abandon which would make any ordinary person think quite seriously, this guy should get a life. Today with several thousand other people, I started walking around the globe for some charitable reason, although I'm not sure which. I think I did it for the sake of giving back. I'm not feeling a major difference, I realise I walk quite alot in general, not as much as most but certainly more than some. Hey everyone walks as much as they want.

It was another interesting day in the offices of Acme Corp. I spoke to a man in China about something which I truly knew little about, but it was an interesting chat. Apart from that plates started smashing to the ground. Some were out of the office but others stayed.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the house smells of garlic, yep that's lunch for tomorrow. And I managed to find some exciting things for the girls to take on holiday, the sort of stuff which allows them to swim underwater while looking for elusive fish. Coriander, sunflowers and Spanish beans all beginning to grow.

11775 and counting


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