
By andyclicks

Tension Energy

Today I spent the majority of the day once more in the art room. Actually I'm going to start calling it the art studio now, besides it is more of a studio

Anyways yeah spent a lot of time in there, as this was the final day to hang and finish everything ready to be marked on monday. And it was all going fairly well, managed to set up my dark room with Greg, where we'll be displaying our work which makes use of effective lighting. And then I will have other stuff outside the dark room ready for our public exhibition on Thursday.

We did hit a few hurdles on the way and wasn't quite all sorted out when I left. But it will be in time for Monday i've been told. Left in a bit of a state, filled to the brim with tension energy. That kind've energy that just sits on the surface and you have to burn it off quickly. So I was buzzing all the way home, where I decided to run around the garden with the chickens for a bit, sort've worked but it's alright.

Then looked up at the sky, and I love looking at our tree when the light is behind it, this might not be the best picture of it from today but I didn't have time to choose and I'm still fairly happy with it.

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