
By Appreciate

A Ten Shilling Note

I daresay most people looking at this will not even know what a ten shilling note is.

This is in a frame in the hall at my parents house. It has signatures on it which can no longer be seen - just as well because one of the signatures is the father of a well known person!!

The reason my father came to have this was that he won it in a game of "Liardice" in 1956!! The two gentlemen (and they were) he was playing against lost the game and in recognition of that fact, both signed the note. My mother framed it for several reasons...

It has hung in our house since and as a child I remember the note and its signatures. Until today, I did not know why it had been signed!!

Today, the signatures have faded completely - but the people of the past are still very much alive.

Dont' you love an old tale!

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