
By andyclicks


I didn't do an awful lot today, was meant to be revising all day but that didn't exactly happen. Got up fairly late, so at least I had lots of sleep, but then proceeded to clearing out my wardrobe.

But as I don't like throwing things away, I started stuffing and sewing up my old socks in the plan to create some kind of sock cushion. But that'll take time to finish, there are a lot of socks.

Other than that not much happened, I was looking through my tadpole tank this evening looking for the baby frog i'd seen yesterday to get a decent photo of him however. And I found him, but he was dead him with another one. I don't know how but for some reason I didn't think to give them any means of getting to land and so I think they drowned, however while searching I did manage to find one live one. And so I rescued him.

He's called Neville and he's very small. I took out some of the water in the tank, so now the top of the big stone is above water level, and there is a sloped piece of wood floating on top. Neville is currently on the wood, but he's not a great swimmer, but hopefully he'll survive and get stronger and grow all big :)

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