Click goes the Shutter

By RomaWhaup

We're having some weather .....

Getting back into the usual routine at home, although thoughts of Africa are ever present.

I spent most of today at my desk, but rushed to the front door to get this blip when we had a heavy hail storm this morning. We've had all sorts of weather today - bright sunshine, grey clouds, rain, hail and, of course, wind. We've probably been lucky here, missing the worst of it, but there have been some very strong gusts at times and the trees and plants have been blown around a lot.

Exciting news on the blue tit front - when we got back yesterday there were still 9 eggs in the nest and I was a bit worried that they would never hatch and all the blue tit work had been in vain. However, this morning there were 4 chicks and more have hatched during the day. I was fortunate to see one working hard to get out of its shell. Amazing! Wherever the wildlife is, it doesn't fail to impress.

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