
By middleman


It's taken a while to use this title, can't believe I've not used it before but in the last days of the Scottish Courage brewery it seems only appropriate. Indeed, the part of the demolition site that I've photographed extensively recently is now so pitiful looking with what's left that I might tear the last bit down myself on the way home tonight just to put it out of its misery. Yes, I am away from the shenanigans of The Sleepover Party for my daughter's birthday as I babysit for a pal and use another man's internet tonight. Who knows what sights and horrors await me when I return home?

Been listening to two main things today. One is Grouper, the other is some mighty German house music on the Kompakt label. Take your pick - one is all dreamy and a bit blurred around the edges, the other one is anything but.

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