
By Fisherking

...Can you get away......

Late night emergency blip. The Daughter with a look that says "Dad, get away from me with that!"

Funny old day, felt a bit flat.

Didn't sleep too well last night, first night shift for the Boss, king size bed all to myself, couldn't settle.

Woken at 5.10 by a terrific hail storm battering the window, and again at 6.15 by a wind driven cloud burst.

Spent half the morning twitchy that hebs was going to catch me with her camera and then found out she didn't have it with her! Spent half the afternoon rebuking naughty pupils, none of them mine!

Home, woke the Boss at 5.15, "Hello, I'm off to coaching, see you tomorrow about the same time!"

Coaching was characterised by pushy parents, "Why does he have to do this?" "You mean I have to sign this paperwork and provide all these details before he can start fishing?" "She has to handle those maggots, herself?" and the classic "Why hasn't she caught a fish yet, we've been trying for 15 minutes?" Resisted the urge to tell Mummy dearest that I fished for 5 hours on Sunday and only caught three, or, that they're wild fish, not tame trained ones that throw themselves on the hook just because your precious offspring want's to catch one.

Home at 9.15 couldn't be bothered with cooking so cheese on toast for tea and then the blip...quick, what's to shoot? Fortunately the Daughter came down for a nicotine fix and I managed this effort.

Only three days to half term break, early finish tomorrow, unless the coursework sample demand arrives, and then we can concentrate on the baby party for Charlie, if the weather holds up for Monday.

I've got hebs a present for tomorrow, hope she likes it!

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