
By Fisherking

....on milk and alcohol.....

Well, we probably won't let her have the alcohol just yet.

Charlie came for a visit again tonight and she brought her parents with we had to feed them as well.

Busy day at work again......the demand for coursework samples did arrive most of the day spent making sure it was all ticketty boo.....and then bringing it all home for one final check. Still, 2.30 finish today....except for me...because someone, who shall remain nameless "needed" a meeting 2.30 -3.30. So while the majority of my colleagues made the car park look like a Le Mans start I trudged off to the designated meeting room. Arriving at the door I took a deep breath, switched to decisive mode and ...bish, bash, bosh 25 minutes later meeting over!

Still not sleeping well without the Boss so it's going to be an early night tonight....if I'm going to be wide awake about 4.00 a.m. I might as well try to get a couple of hours kip first.

Weather looks good for Monday....Dad and Sis are coming to see we might as well get it all done in one go and invite everyone. I reckon if we tell them all to bring their own booze, and we provide a huge Chilli and rice, half a dozen pizzas and a mountain of nibbles then people can come and go as they please. Of course all my Blip friends are invited, but if you can't make it I'll understand, you'll just have to wait for the photos.

Before then there's just an end of half-term booze up on Friday night, the European Cup Final Saturday night and a big fishing match on rest for the wicked eh? I must be a real bad bugger!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

p.s Is it me or is Charlie's hair starting to look ever such a tiny bit....well....ginger?

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