must try harder

By halfcj

Are you really Lord Tankard?

Was in Windsor all day on a corporate shoot. Long long day, finishing in the pub with the client....a few too many beers i can tell you. Got back late!....hence a backblip. :(

Felt like the whole world was there with their cameras. Now I have to apologise to all American blippers for my amusement today, for as I was taking this shot, here was the conversation alongside me amongst a group of American tourists (imagine this in your broadest Texan accent!):

Tourist 1 : "So what's this 'ER' thing mean?"
Tourist 2 : "Sure I've been wondering that too!"
Tourist 3 : "I know - Rudi told me this only 5 minutes ago!"
Tourist 2 : "Oh great"
Tourist 3 : " means Elizabeth Reigns - hence ER"
Tourist 2 : "Oh is that it?"
Tourist 1 : "Reigns?"
Tourist 3 : "Not like the stuff from the sky"
Tourist 1 : "Oh I get it, like the horses?"
Tourist 2 : "I guess it'll be like the verb right?"
Tourist 3 : "I guess like she has control"
Tourist 4 enter the airspace.
Tourist 4 : "Who has the control?"
Tourist 3 : "We're saying ER means Elizabeth Reignsl"
Tourist 4 : "Oh my gosh. All the time I thought it meant Elizabth Rules?"
Tourist 2 : "Pretty much the same I guess."

This is about the point where I'm thinking, do I help them? They were all ladies....and I'm a sucker for I tell them.

"It actually means Elizabeth Regina Ladies - Latin for Queen Elizabeth" I said nicely, not at all smugly.

Tourist 4 : "But I've seen some stuff with GR on, so it can't have been George Regina can it?"...she said a little smugly!

"No, that'll be George Rex". This time I was smug!

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