Oh, so many exciting blippable happenings occured today, but no, I must dedicate this one to The Runner Beans. Here they are, just planted next to their pea sticks (why can't they be called bean sticks? Peas don't grow that high! Well, unless we are in Jack and the beanstalk country). Anyway, I came home from work to see a perfectly dug over bit of garden and the bean plants ready for the off again.

This tiny area was cleared several years ago, of half dead shrubs and completely dead trees, because we wanted to put up a small summerhouse (mainly for me, my computer and my hobbies) but someone objected; saying it would look like an allotment. What? A very discreet wood and glass summerhouse in distressed green with tubs of plants around the door?

We bowed to the objection.

We now have an allotment instead. Biding our time ....... and eating fresh runner beans!

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