No time to waste?

By jt


Jem may not appreciate this shot. She'll tell me I shouldn't have blipped her flute without her cleaning it first. I think I did say I'd blip it some time ago, the day after I blipped my guitar, and I fancied blipping today, so this will do.

Saw a sparrowhawk today - female, being chased by two starlings. She had something in her talons - I reckon possibly a young starling. Three things I found interesting about this:
1 - amazing that right in the heart of city, even a wonderfully green one like Dundee, we have sparrowhawks at all.
2 - probably the same female sparrowhawk that flew about 6 feet past my legs, at very high speed, chasing a blackbird, when I was hanging out the washing last year. Was an incredible experience. She didn't catch the blackbird - I watched them sitting in a bush in the next garden, just out of reach.
3 - the things that can cause complete strangers to strike up a conversation. A man, I think he lives up the road a wee bit, was walking past on the other side of the road and had obviously seen me watching the flypast, and called out asking if it was a hawk, sparking a 5-minute conversation about local sparrowhawks. Great :)

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