The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty


We had my mum up for a few days this weekend, which meant that the husband and I could get out and about without being trailed after by the kids. Pure bliss. Almost like being child free again except with that slight nagging doubt that you've forgotten something.

We spent most of Saturday afternoon having lunch with Linsey and Stuart (who had also managed to dump their offspring on some obliging grandparents) in a place that doesn't serve chicken nuggets or have a childrens play area. I then dragged the husband round every DIY/bathroom/kitchen place Inverness has to offer. He was so depressed by the price of everything that I then had to take him to the golf shop so he could have a look at putters (the price of which could go a long way to doing up a kitchen).

We had to wave my mum off just before lunchtime.The only downside of having visitors is that it makes you miss them all the more when they leave. Though we didn't have too long to dwell on it as Minion number one had to be ferried to her third birthday party of the month and then the midden had to be cleared of the debris of the weekend.

This is Minion number two eating her rhubarb and vanilla cheesecake. Shortly after this she decided it made a far better styling product than pudding and set about styling herself a mohican. The next James Brown? Possibly not.

Quote of the day: "Can you pass me a wet wipe please? She's just blown her nose on my face" The husband referring to Minion number two. Lovely.

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