Experience the Everyday

By worldofcherie

Payback time!

After 2 weeks of binge eating and drinking, I was surprised not a single kilo was added on. But boy this new aerobics instructor must have taken a shot of adrenaline before she stepped into class. So I convinced myself, this is payback time! Think before you eat and drink!

It has been quite manic on the computer. Super connected with Gmail, Facebook and Whatsapp for most of the day. This morning when I woke up, 19 new emails. Is this a full time job or what? So glad Roberto has allowed me to not work and just organise these weddings though.

Saying that, I really cannot see myself living in Italy. Every Wednesday afternoon, all the good supermarkets close. Like literally, CLOSE! I was desperately looking for shampoo and conditioner, no luck. When I opened the fridge at the gym, I stupidly assumed that all the bottled water were still water. How wrong was I? Jumping around drinking fizzy water is insane!

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