
By justbrian

Martyns Shirt

Today my youngest son Martyn left his tenure of compulsory schooling, as is tradition here he had his shirt signed. The front is more colourful again, there'll be more blips out of this one.

He has exams to go and will be back for the sixth form, the school are touting him for a place at Cambridge or Oxford, provided he can sell himself, guess I'll have to sell all that I own, first to go might be my Impreza, then the other two children and finally the wife and house. He wants to be some sort of a scientist, something to do with the planets and outer space.

Far too complicated for me.

Decided to keep this blip, it was going to be a temporary one, I had a panoramic shot lined up, I'll do that tomorrow instead.

I did a long bike ride today, no fly issues, just a hangover to contend with from yesterday !

My training for the Northern Rock cyclone is going well, my friend Iain, who lives in Livingston is coming down to do the ride too. He's also foolishly suggested that we do a grand tour later in the year, Livingston to Newcastle, 140 miles, in a day !!!!

I have ten years on him, actually probably a bit more, watch this space......

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