The Daily Bun

By pennybun

Best of 3

Bit of a rush this evening, as I have to shut down my computer and take it downstairs ready for its trip to the Apple hospital for a dvd-drive-ectomy tomorrow. Was determined to get a shot with my new lens today, but the butterflies in the cemetery were conspicuous by their absence, so in the end, I'm going with one of the large red damsels that inhabit the pond area of the garden. The title unsurprisingly refers to the fact that I tried 3 different settings to practice getting maximum sharpness whilst maintaining a shallow depth of field. Much harder with this lens with than my telephoto, so this is something I'll need to practise.
Had a friend round for afternoon tea today, which was especially great, as we were able to sit out in the garden for our catchup gossip.

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