
By wonderfulworld

Dining Out

A lovely restaurant in Vila Real that overlooks the sea turned out to be a bit of an ordeal.

Despite getting a perfect table on the balcony in the very busy restaurant for Sunday afternoon lunch, our waiter was incapable of waiting on us. He left us for half an hour before even clearing the table from the last occupants. We enjoyed the view for a while, but then we began to feel ignored. Eventually he came at the prompting of a couple beside us who felt sorry for us, and took our drinks order and cleared the table. After another long wait I had to go in and order our meal. When it arrived, he only delivered two meals, he forgot mine. My friends had to share their meal with me! He was hopeless.

Anyway, we spent two hours in the restaurant and only 20minutes eating! I told him that our experience had not been very good, and we did not leave a tip. Then we headed for the beach.

Windy today and a bit cooler, so didn't get in for a swim.

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