Recycling centre

The is Cambridge station and represents about quarter of the bikes outside.

I am ambivalent about bikes. They are green and keep you fit. And some lovely friends get tremendous enjoyment from them. As a shared road user though they are not so good.

Trying to avoid generalities, my feeling is that more and more aggressive behaviour includes everyday failing to pay any attention to stop lights, weaving round pedestrians crossing legally, and when approaching a road situation where cars would require to slow down belting at it full tilt and seeing what happens. If they imagine that a car is invading their space I have seen them kick or punch bodywork and use very threatening behaviour.

Having just spent four days in bikey Cambridge I welcome plans to apply the same penalties for causing death by dangerous cycling as currently applies to the driving offence.

Not for a moment do I suggest that there are not motorists who are criminally disregarding of cyclist's safety - I just ask for an even handed view. Dear blipcycle friends - I revel in your enjoyment. And none of you could be the subject of these rantscomments!

In two months 120 abandoned bikes have been removed from this park. What's all that about?

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