
Today was work work and more work. Got muchos done.
In the early evening and as it was unusually sunny! I took the doggies out. Decided to drive to Tayvallich then kept on going to the end of the road and ended up at a place called Keills.

Weill if you ever come to Mid Argyll you MUST seek out Kiells. Its a fantastic place, great stone structures, beautiful views over to Jura, smashing wee Chapel, this place has it all in spadefulls. Just go there!

Took loads of fantastic pics even though I only had my wee camera. I don't take the beast when walking the dogs as I need to concentrate with the big one where as with the wee one I can snap away to my hearts content.

Todays picture is the cross just above the Chapel at Keills. Anyone wishing to see the rest just go to and I may have managed to have them loaded tomorrow.

Good night all as I am contededly tired so may actually sleep!

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