
By Appreciation

Gee It's Great to Be.....

Back Home! And oh it feels so Good. It's been a long, hard, difficult week and this song, and thoughts of the allotment have kept me going. I can't type for dancing. My girl has come up to see what the music is. I love that, the way the young slip so easily into the rythm of the last generation. I remember loving the Beatles and Sinatra along with my parents.

So, a whole morning, with my allotment partner, weeding, cutting grass, drinking coffee and chatting. Only cake was missing really. We were chatting so much that we both managed to pull up some newly emerged seedlings - silly billys. Everything seems to be growing reasonably well. The beans could be better but the salad is just loving it's new raised bed.

I came home with a big bag of slug filled lettuce and so enjoyed the fresh crunch of it - the lettuce not the slugs, they don't crunch they just get thrown away. It's a hazzard, but one I am quite happy to put up with. The blackcurrants are just starting to turn. They always look so inviting at this point but are sour as hell. My Blackcurrant Jam is my Dad's favourtie, I shall make his an extra special jar this year, perhaps even using these very berries.

Now back to the dancing, whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh oh, it's the same old story.....

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