days I'll remember

By bassrockbob

Day 9 - Potes

A day off after all of the touring. Warmer again, and sunnier too. Indeed hot in the afternoon - the weather I mean, not me. Anyway, after breakfast we had a walk up the hill behind the campsite to the Monasterio de Santo Toribio de Liebana, which claims to possess the largest known fragment of the true cross, brought from the Holy Land in the fifth century - no doubt for 'safekeeping' from all those foreign types. Sorry, that'll be my cynical side speaking. The blip above is of the cloister.

Then a short drive into Potes for small coffees and cake. I am pleased to report that these have been consistently excellent and great value. Can you imagine getting all of the above in Costa for £2? Bliss! Sandwiches and beer for lunch, then back to the campsite for a doze in the sun with a book. I'm reading 'The Shadow of the Wind' by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, a bit of nonsense 'shortlisted by Richard and Judy's Book Club'. For those who can't be bothered to read it, it contains a one-page synopsis at the end! It also has 'Reading Notes' with suggested topics for discussion, presumably by girlie reading groups. Lol sometimes I sound like Victor Meldrew...

Posted on a hot afternoon in Potes, Sunday 12th June.

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