Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Quiet Day

After the whirlwind activity of the past many days, this morning without really meaning to, we slept-in. I guess Mr. Fun must have woke at sunrise to let the pups out of their "night-houses" and take them downstairs for a quick morning lap around the backyard and then they raced back up the stairs to our bedroom. I think all three of them piled on the bed and on me. After a few licks and kisses, they were back to sleep and I was too!

So at 9:00 when I officially woke to face the day (my face must have looked pretty bad!), Mr. Fun brought me a hot fresh "press-pot" of coffee. Delicious!

Honestly, other than gathering the remnants of the semester's papers and attempting to organize the mess, I'm not sure that I accomplished anything today other than just quietly marking the slow passage of time on this lazy day.

Shortly before 5:00 p.m. our son-in-law phoned to asked if we'd like to go out to dinner with the two of them. "Yes!" was our immedate response. Sixty-minutes later they were here to get us and our destination was a little "hole-in-the-wall" Mexican food joint in Bellflower (egads! that's Los Angeles County). Dinner with our daughter and her hubby is a rare and wonderful moment.

We could see why they thought the drive was worthwhile -- the food was delicious. The photo above is proof that the dessert our daughter ordered and shared with all of us was yummy.

Back at our house, our daughter wanted to show us all the items of clothing she has purchased for Little Tristan who will arrive here from Oklahoma this coming Thursday morning. He is not our daughter's grandson; he is our son's. But he ought to be hers. She is so excited to have him coming to stay with all of us for six weeks this summer. Our daughter is going to be a fabulous grandma when that day arrives, but I don't think her two kids have plans for that anytime soon.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. When the day concluded, I was just too tired to upload my photo. So I am a day late, but not a blip short! ;-)

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