Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day ......................... to enter the debate

Apologies if you dropped by expecting to see something pretty. Normal service will be resumed soon - but for today, things are serious. This is an entry for the Gaz Challenge Manifesto Day 1: NHS and the picture above is not pretty - it's my shoulder.

Until I fell off a table (don't ask) and broke my shoulder in 2006, I think I would have been the first one to sign a petition to Save our local NHS Hospital. Now, however, my feelings have changed and this has quite a lot to do with the fact that I had the misfortune to be seen by a confident incompetent doctor at my local hospital. By confident incompetent I mean he was very confident that his (incompetent) diagnosis was correct and he had no need to check with anyone more superior. To be fair, he wasn't helped by access to only very inferior equipment.

Weeks later - it took the skill of a very good surgeon, operating in one of the best hospitals in the country, with the help of all the latest equipment to put my shoulder back together again.

So I think that's where I stand. There is a lot of wasted expenditure in the NHS with hospitals trying to be all things to all people. Target resources where they can do the most good is what I say ...........................

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