Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Poppy field

I found a beautiful field on my way home today with poppies and daisies all the way around the edge. Unbelievably, as I entered the field the black clouds cleared and the sun shone - I was so lucky! I quickly snapped about 15 different shots just in case the farmer saw me and then drove home happy. I love poppies and they just looked so beautiful mixed in with the white daisies. This was my favourite shot but it was difficult to choose.

Apart from my lucky find, I went to hospital this morning to get my eyes checked out as I've been worried about my deteriorating eyesight. The consultant said there is nothing to worry about so I'll just have to put up with all the floaters and blurry bits I suppose! They put lots of drops in my eyes to dilate my pupils and when I came home I looked like the cat off Shrek 2!! It took about 3 hours for my vision to return to normal and this was only just in time for me to drive to work. That's been about it really. My eyes feel very tired now after all the poking and prodding so I'll be watching Desperate Housewives and going to bed early.

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