
By andyclicks

Drip Drip Drop

Well the morning started out fine, and the train went well. However when we got to Clapham Junction, it decided to absolutely heave down with rain. And me being the clever kid I am, forgot both umbrella and coat. Tried to find something in Waterloo, but didn't really fancy paying £10 for a brolly when we have perfectly good ones at home.

The rest of the day went fine, did some work etc and the usual, including learning about the financial, and book-keeping side of the business. But also worked my way through the safe, in which the more expensive/valuable flutes are kept. And there are some really lovely flutes in there, with pretty hefty price tags. £42,000 enough?

I also had a go on a bass flute, in the picture. I've been on some before and I just love them, would love one of my own. And I was playing it when Patrick asked me if I knew what it was for. This is when he dropped in that this was a present from Gareth McLearnon, to the one and only Sir James Galway. So I was playing on Jimmy Galway's flute before even he had. It gave me tingles.

It's my last day tomorrow, so It really would be nice to go out with a bang, graced with a visit from the man himself. But I won't be dissapointed if not, because everyone has been so friendly this week and i've really enjoyed it and learnt a lot. Thanks to everyone at TopWind. As I said this is a picture of me playing the bass flute soon to be given to Sir Galway.

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