
By andyclicks

Last Day.

Well today was the last day of my work experience in Topwind. And It has been a real blast, i've enjoyed almost every second. Of course there has been a fair amount of times when I was just twiddling my thumbs. But everyone there was so friendly and kind, and I had the opportunities to try out amazing flutes, and learn so much from everybody. It was great learning about the whole side of the industry I hadn't thought of that much. I got to meet lots of great musicians and hear stories from them too. So although they won't see this I want to thank all the staff at Topwind, Patrick, Andy, Matt, Nicola, and Flavia for making me most welcome.

As a little thank you, I also got them a little box of chocolates each and a card, which was appreciated. And for me, they also gave me about £50 worth of music, a topwind t-shirt and a silver cloth. I had set the pieces aside to choose which I wanted as I didn't want to spend that much money. And turned out they just gave it to me, which I was so thank full for.

Anyways aside from that, today was a lovely day. Quite relaxed, but thats the way some of the best days go. This flute pictured here is a quite a strange flute, looks quite modern. And it wasn't made of metal or wood but some form of plastic. And the keys are magnetised I think, with no need for pads, simply silicon I think. Can't quite remember and i'm tired. But it was fun to play, aside the others which were great. One I tried costing around £80,000 :|

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