Click goes the Shutter

By RomaWhaup

Blue tit youngsters

It's been difficult deciding what photo to use this evening and so I loaded a few into my blipfolio of peonies and the High Pond and went with my wee blue tits who are a source of constant amusement just now.

It's been a much nicer day and Lynn and I had a more leisurely walk to the High Pond. It seemed strangely devoid of life initially, but after a while the father dabchick brought some food for the chicks and the mother left the nest, the 4 wee ones followed and climbed on to the parents backs and were taken for a swim around. We couldn't really work out the purpose of this, but it seemed fun! Wonderful to watch. Unfortunately my camera wasn't good enough to get a good blip.

We also saw a solitary duckling eating weed round one of the islands. It seemed to be doing OK on its own - fingers crossed. We wonder where the rest of the family are. Two buzzards, two magpies and a heron were about which I guess could explain things.

We also saw three swallow chicks in the boatshed and a Garden Tiger Moth. Very blessed!

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