
By andyclicks

Itchy Eyes

Day two of working in Kingsham. It was just like yesterday more or less, although everyone was just a little bit more energetic, bit more chatty and bit more confident.
Also with the addition of two more kids who weren't here yesterday meant two less seats for me to sit on.

It was an interesting day, not a great deal happened to be honest. Although I was asked if I could teach the class some music at some point, after finding out that I was musical. So I have to go plan a lesson in a moment to teach to them. Probably just going to do some drum banging ;)

Also I had chamber and Wind afterwards which went quite well. It may well end up being my last rehearsal for the year which is a shame. It is meant to be next week, but that is the date of our sixth form prom. So I may just turn up to the prom a little bit late, but i'm not sure yettt.

Anyways this is just a very quick photo of by bottle of eyedrops which are becoming increasingly used. I'm not sure if it's an infection or just allergies to something, but recently my eyes have been really sore and painful. Also my camera is being a bit stupid, only storing to the internal memory so I didn't have a lot of energy to get a decent picture.

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