
By andyclicks


Day 3, and once again settling into a new routine of work. It's so disjointed recently and as soon as I get adjusted and start enjoying something it's over again.

The majority of today was fairly similar to other days, except for a few little exceptions and conflicts I had to mediate with. However I may have mentioned yesterday that I was offered the 'opportunity' to teach the class a music lesson.
Last night I planned it out, all be it very loosely. Which was wise to be fair,it isn't easy to do a structured lesson plan when you know it's not going to go to plan yet.However it did go really well, when they weren't chatting.

I managed to control the class most of the time, which was a bit of a challenge at times. To give them credit though, they don't do this kind of activity much and it must've been exciting. The main lesson was based on percussion, sharing beats keeping a constant pulse and then following one individual to increase/decrease tempo etc. And also a pointillist style game I created. After that I taught them all a bit about flute, and showed them special techniques, and they loved the High notes on my piccolo too. And I let them have a go on my old flute too (only a few made a sound, but some want another go at it tomorrow)

Anyways it all went really well and they seemed to enjoy themselves. After school I came home for a bit, then I went over to verity's. After a while we decided to watch a film (gotta love some harry potter) And it was generally fairly relaxing and lovely. This was another picture I took of her beautiful little kitten, the few moments where she sits still are like a miracle.

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